Friday, February 12, 2010

Favorite Things Friday!

Hey everyone! Glad to be checking in ago!

This favorite thing's Friday topic? GOALS! Indeed whenever I hit a block or downer in my life I get out my journal and start some goaling! Goals about a bunch of stuff! Recently I decided a goal that I want to develope a meaningful relationship with as many of my nieces and nephews as possible! It felt great to write letters this week - and I intend on continuing to write or send little treats or whatever as much as my time and wallet will allow! If your kids ever question anything - I want them to know that I love them and that I'm there for them! Sometimes you just can't go to mom and dad about an issue - but I want to be there for them (and honestly - for you - I'd rather have my kids going to family than their 'friend' or someone who may not have the same values that we love and embrace. I love you all - and your chillins!

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