Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The "Boy"

Ok... well you all asked about the boy. Here it goes. He isn't the boy anymore. There was this guy I met in band. I thought he was really great. I thought he was really cute. I thought the fact that he wasn't a member wouldn't be an issue. Boy was I wrong. I didn't have a problem with him. We cuddled and held hands the entire trip. People noticed. And then, when I should have started liking him more, I began to feel uncomfortable. It felt so wrong. I kept thinking about my future. I kept thinking of my Heavenly Father. I prayed about it... a lot, and today, I told him that it just wouldn't work. I have dreams of having a very religious family, of being married in the temple, of a husband who respects me as a Daughter of God and loves Heavenly Father just as much as I do. I need someone who will go to sacrament with me, someone whose mere prayers will make my heart swoon. I realized that he was a great friend, but I was more crazy about the idea of a boyfriend than the actual boy. I feel miserable. I wish I could take back the hand holding and the hopes I gave him, but I can't. I just knew that I had to stop it now, before we grew even closer, and I definitely didn't want any more regrets. We have decided to still be friends.

I'm so happy for trials such as this. It makes me realize how true the church is and makes me feel even closer to Heavenly Father. I'm so happy that He was there to listen to my prayers and let me know what I needed to do. I wish I had listened to Him sooner, but I'm so happy that He knows me and knows what I need in life. I'm so happy to know that He will always be there, and that He has someone out there that will be right for me.

So... the REAL "Boy" Requirements:

Must be a strong member of the church, temple marriage is non-negotiable.
Being cute is definitely nice
Cannot be overly prideful, it is SUCH a turn off
Must be light and playful sometimes, but serious at others
Must be able to understand that practicing 4 hours a day is a BIG requirement in my life
Must be interested in going to Broadway Musicals, Symphony Concerts, etc.
Ability to at least pretend to understand my musical jargon, excitements, etc. is helpful
Must be able to provide for a family, flute playing doesn't bring in that much money
MUST be good with kids, and be ok with having 4-8 children
And Finally...
Must have a crazy fun family, and be able to keep up with my even crazier family!

My Motto:: "Every day I pray that God made someone tolerable enough to put up with my unique ways, and that I'm understanding enough to put up with his"

If anyone knows a guy of this description... WHY AM I NOT DATING HIM YET!? Seriously folks, hook the little sister up!


Anonymous said...

OK first i have to make sure this works!

Anonymous said...

Ok this is Sadie...girl you have got it all figured out seriously!...the fact that you can see past the physical, nice, fun stuff is an awesome thing...and for real because of that the lord is going to bless you even more!
Just be patient sweet pea the right one will come along when you are ready..i love you so much and i am really proud of you! if you need a girls night after the breakup..Im thinkin oreos and a movie..you know where to find me:) love ya!

Rachel said...

Cassie your so cute! Way to do the right thing! I love all of your requirements. Your one of the smartest most talented girls I know. That amazing man will come into your life sooner or later. Hopefully sooner hu! I'll keep my eyes peeled for you. Maybe he'll be a Cali boy.

Sara said...

Oh Cassie I just love you. I also love that you had this experience and did the right thing before you got in too deep. I really liked and dated a non-member in high school and we also agreed to just be friends. It was hard, but down the road it will be so worth it when you find someone that fits "most" of your requirements. You have such a sweet testimony, thanks for sharing some of it:)

Cami Wilson said...

I knew there was a reason I love you!!! Good for you! You're an amazing, shining example of what we all need to be- strong and determined, steadfast and immovable. Way to be!!!!

Sara said...

Hey Cass, eliza's shower was fun- we did it for everyone in utah...her friend is planning one for the idaho people- so watch for that invite! i'll see in two weeks at the wedding, love you!

Froska said...

Cassie, you are so grown up and sound just too old. I still remember when you would come over to the old house and I would put makeup on you. Way to go. We love ya!

LORI said...

Wow. David still talks about you as his "little baby" sister so sometimes I forget that you are actually grown up. You know how David thinks you're still 11, which is how old you were when we got married. I think time stopped for him that day because he refuses to accept that he is now 30, not 23.
But I know how you feel about needing to find the right guy. I dated a bunch of guys in college and half were non-members or very inactive. It makes a big difference when you date a good mormon boy. Just don't do what I did.....date 3 good mormon boys at the same time. It makes life worse!!!

Cheri said...

Like your brother David you will always be that adorable baby sister to me. Since the day you were born you were my little buddy. I took you everywhere with me until I went away to school we were stuck to each other. I will always have a special place in my heart for my sweet baby sis. I still can't believe that you are all grown up interested in dating. Then again I still can't believe that I'm all grown up with two kids and one on the way. Anyway, I love you and am proud of who you are and that you are my sister.

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Sara said...

Happy Birthday today Cassie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still out of my element in Idaho, but I'll get your birthday post up soon babe!!!

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